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  • 分类:批发/零售服装/纺织/皮革
  • 性质:外资(欧美)
  • 规模:1000-5000人
  • 官方网站:http://www.cache-cache.cn/
  • 地址:长宁区二号线淞虹路附近
Cache Cache,来自法国的快时尚品牌,1985年诞生于法国西海岸最美也是最悠久的城市之一--圣马罗。Cache-Cache已经在中国拥有700多家店。
Cache Cache是法国服装零售巨头博马努瓦集团旗下六大品牌之一。博马努瓦集团的足迹遍及欧亚非大陆20多个国家及地区,拥有超过2500家的门店。Cache Cache,捉迷藏(法译中),象征着快乐与蓬勃的生命力,品牌创始人希望所有女性能像玩追迷藏一样寻找生活的乐趣,永远拥有一颗年轻且充满活力的心。Cache Cache目标是提供给中国女性触手可及又无比钟爱的时装。
如果你热爱时尚 认同我们的价值观 想要在工作中实现自我价值,请给自己一个机会,加入我们!我们为你提供了最佳的发展平台!

Our Group: Beaumanoir博马努瓦
Retailing and distribution have been in our blood since the creation of Vetimod in 1981. Today, through its brands, Cache-Cache, Patrice Bréal, Scottage, Bonobo,Morgan and Lacity, the Group reaches 50,000 customers a day. We adapt to fashion trends in real-time thanks to our testing and market intelligence tools. We improve our sales and customer satisfaction levels season after season.

Market studies, research and development, international consulting…, the consulting division "Circuit Court Conseil" provides our affiliated brand managers and company directors with studies and trade expertise.

Our logistics expertise was rewarded in 2009 with the "King of the supply chain" award, presented to C-Log, our logistics subsidiary. From its 4 nationally-based warehouses, including two in Brittany, C-Log delivers over 300,000 articles a day for the Beaumanoir brands and also deals with all the logistics for Eden Park and the Pronuptia Group. For 2 years C-Log has been preparing the package process for online sales. A "B to C" activity in full boom, managed by the new subsidiary Korben, which is responsible for E-Business.

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